Sustainable Pet is an Australian social enterprise on a mission to help pet owners rethink waste and enrich lives, while mobilising resources to support cat and dog rescue.

Our Vision

Resilient communities and a circular economy where waste is designed out, value regenerated from waste, and socio-economic benefits stay in the community.

Aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals

SDG goal 11
SDG goal 12

Our Values

Our values underpin and drive what we do


We recognise that our actions, at every level, have an impact on the environment, society, and future generations.


It takes courage to challenge the status quo. Courage is also required for navigating uncertainty and taking action in spite of it.


Collaboration allows us to harness our respective strengths and pool resources to achieve shared outcomes.


We strive to act ethically and honestly, maintaining high standards of professionalism and accountability.

Companies must re-envision and reimagine themselves as cyclical corporations whose products either literally disappear into harmless components or are so specific and targeted to a specific function that there is no spillover effect, no waste, no random molecules dancing in the cells of wildlife.

Paul Hawken – The Ecology of Commerce

Key Initiatives


The Sustainable Cat Cubby

For indoor cats and cat parents who love the environment as much as their pets.

fist to paw

Pawsitive Impact

Helping small rescues boost capacity and impact.

Meet the Team




Ling has had cats in her life since she was a little girl. When not doing the bidding of her cats, she can be found bushwalking and exploring places with her husband or pottering about in their garden. The beauty and regenerative ways of the garden make her ever hopeful for better outcomes for the plants, our pets and the planet.



Supervisor at Large

Adopted from a shelter which had a reportedly high kill rate. Vocal and demanding, especially for meals, treats, play and grooming sessions. Considers possums, wallabies and kangaroos her tribe.



Product Tester

Pulled out from a wall as a newborn kitten and bottle-fed. Easily startled, makes whirring sounds when excited.  Considers magpies and willy wagtails his tribe.

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